Average rating4.4
Oh, my goodness, it's good.I haven't read [b:David Copperfield 58696 David Copperfield Charles Dickens https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1461452762l/58696.SY75.jpg 4711940], but I have some knowledge about it, and I think Barbara managed to transfer the spirit of the story to modern South. More than once I was asking “how does she know?” She can't possibly have lived through the things she talks about in this book, Demon's voice felt authentic and real, and it was heartbreaking, but in a good way. And the ending was good. It started to drag there a bit, but not for too long, like the damned [b:The Goldfinch 17333223 The Goldfinch Donna Tartt https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1378710146l/17333223.SY75.jpg 24065147].