Average rating2.8
[MY RATING] 6.5-7/10
- SPICINESS: 7/10 coz these men r so hot LMFAOOOO and also bonus cos it explored more unusual kinks u dont really see normally in books
- i loved the first half of the book the story was SO GOOD HAHAHAHAH
- it was my first mafia novel and i can definitely see why women eat this shit up bc i ate it up as well LMFAO
- I cannot decide, for the life of me, who is my favourite boy. LMAO i would say it's probably diesel because he's got this weirdly sweet and gentle and romantic side to him?? but GAH the gun and knife play would probably be too much for me if i was roxy. my other fav boy candidate is probably garett because he grew on me.
- I do have a few complaints, however:
1) It was extremely unrealistic in a few cases!
let's take roxy's hatred towards them for example. how tf did she go from hating all of them to falling for all of them within A WEEK?!?!? ma'am i know they are super hot but like THEY STILL KIDNAPPED U AND LOCKED U IN THEIR HOUSE HAHAHAHA
for it to be more realistic i would've expected a longer timeframe. also the fact she wasn't extremely shocked by diesel's unique interests in the basement was unrealistic to me coz ma'am he was burning peoples eyeballs out and you didn't feel more scared ?
2) why is it possible that roxy was able to friggin FIGHT and get up and even kiss them after being sliced open, tortured, waterboarded, bones and ribs all broken, shoulder dislocated, nails plucked out and fingers broken like HUUHHHHH u're telling me she could still have the stregnth to beat people up and kiss people after this ordeal??? AINT NO WAY MAN that was unrealistic for me HAHAHA
3) THERE WAS TOO MUCH SEX. at first the balance and build up was GOOD like i thoroughly enjoyed the scenes cos they were extremely well written to the point i was able to visually see it in my head (very nice thank you) BUT THE 2ND HALF HAD SOOO MUCH SEX THAT it started to get unnecessary?? like WJGAWGEG JUST LEMME READ ABOUT THE STORY PLEASE WE DONT NEED SEX EVERY CHAPTER AAAAA LIKE ITS HOT AND ALL but bc there was so much i got desensitized to it and it became a “alright here we go again w the seggsea time”
4) it started to get draggy around the 400-500+ page mark (i read this on my kobo e-reader and there were 825 pages so for me it was 400-500+ page mark) and i almost stopped reading it cos i was lazy but WOOHOO i persevered!
overall i would not re-read this because i am lazy af to reread all 825 pages but hm it's good material for men who don't know what women want in bed LMAOOO (not the knife and gun play or the super aggressive side but the moderately aggressive side is good)