Die Welt von Gestern. Erinnerungen eines Europäers

Die Welt von Gestern. Erinnerungen eines Europäers

2020 • 585 pages


Average rating4


An absolutely magnificent portrait of a continent, a nation; a lament for the glory of the times gone by, the innocence lost, and a compassionate study of the drastic changes the two world wars brought onto the spirits of Europeans. Zweig writes a biography of Austria and Europe, from his youth in Vienna which was at the pinnacle of culture at the end of the 19th century, to his life in exile during WWII while his books were banned in his home country. With nostalgia he describes the end of the Habsburg empire, pictures how the whole continent was rich on progress, blind optimism and delusions of grandeur. And how nothing could be more contrasted than the reaction of the masses to the onset of two world wars. The first one, welcomed with enthusiasm and innocence. The second, feared with despair and grit, built on memories of the devastation of the last decades.

In between, Zweig chronicles his ascent to one of the most translated and famous writers of the time. His passion is a European community, he is a pacifist. He travels regularly, and spends time living in France, Germany and England. He adores and worships his fellow artists, seeks their friendship, collaborates and helps to promote and translate their works. Nothing in this book is more compassionate than his descriptions of his (all male) artist friends. I find it hard to believe one can find any one else today write such tender words about other men's physical and behavioral characteristics.

The coda to this biography is what's the saddest. Because Zweig and his wife committed suicide after he finished this manuscript. In 1942, in Brazil. Discouraged and broken from years of living in exile, fleeing a Europe anew in flames, nationless, witnessing the horrors of WWII, the horrors inflicted onto his fellow Jews.

A brilliant book, brilliantly written.

June 29, 2023