Dirty Laundry
2013 • 260 pages


Average rating4


So I continue with my Cole McGinnis addiction and boy is it a rewarding one. Once again Cole is involved in a bat-shit-crazy case but as I've said before I don't think these books are much concerned with the mysteries themselves. They are about families, the ones we come from & the ones we create and the love we find and the fight to keep them at all costs.All of the regulars are here: Bobby (I love him more with every book), Mike, Maddy, Claudia and her extended brood, a new friend in Det. Wong and the enticingly interesting Ichiro. He's a welcome piece of good stuff for Cole. As for Jae, Cole's heart, I must confess to have lost patience with him at times and had reservations but by the end he comes thru and we palpably see the anguish of his struggle to love Cole openly and losing his family. There are tears, passionate love making, good food shared with good friends and Cole's nearest and dearest but we also have to deal with the ugly hate and prejudice that's still part of our world. I'm glad that [a:Rhys Ford 4968409 Rhys Ford https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1308678470p2/4968409.jpg] doesn't shy away from showing it and be tempted to only do rainbows & roses because that would belittle the hard won happiness of our Mcs. For one Jae-Min's family sucks balls in hell. Luckily all of this is narrated from Cole's POV, and what a great voice it is, filled with humor, self deprecation, doubt and love & as a bonus the audio is by [a:Greg Tremblay 8108759 Greg Tremblay https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1484561919p2/8108759.jpg]!Also I don't think I've mentioned it before but the opening chapters of these books are always hilarious and not to be missed. *One question: I think (maybe I misheard/read) that Jae was born here so why does he have an accent. I know that in the Latino community (i.e. my friends & cousins) thou some are born here they do have an accent but it's more like Lower East Side or Bronx Latino accent, not a Dominican accent. Anyway that was just a quibble. I'll still be the first in line when Cole has a moment of hetero-madness.

March 6, 2016