America's Secession Threat and How to Restore Our Nation
Average rating4
Americans, Read This Book. Now. Quite simply, I've yet to encounter a more important book for every American to read immediately, and particularly before you vote in the General Election this fall. French does a solid job detailing the stark realities of exactly where we are as a nation politically, and where we've been. He then dedicates just three chapters to some of the most disturbing things I've ever read, - and I've read books that would make even an Iraq War veteran like French puke his guts out in their explicit horror. In two of these three chapters, French presents two scenarios for a complete dissolution of the United States of America - one from the right, one from the left. And what makes these scenarios so disturbing? I'm writing this review on July 4th, 2020. The book actually publishes (so far at least) on September 22, 2020. Either of these scenarios could plausibly happen in between me writing this review and most of you being able to read this book. After presenting these scenarios in all their horror, French then spends the back third of the book detailing how we can prevent them from happening. While he ultimately only has two real recommendations - neither easy and arguably neither directly feasible in this moment, but both things we can commit to working towards - they are both things that could actually work, if indeed Americans want to save America. Very much recommended.