Długa Ziemia
2012 • 359 pages


Average rating2


There's very little Pratchett in this book, unfortunately. It's based on his 30-year old short story, but it feels like Terry had practically no input in growing it into a book. It's really underdeveloped.If you're looking for an interesting read on parallel worlds, go check out [b:The Family Trade 17861 The Family Trade (The Merchant Princes, #1) Charles Stross https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1408262924l/17861.SY75.jpg 930587] by [a:Charles Stross 8794 Charles Stross https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1355510574p2/8794.jpg] (and frankly, Long Earth reads like a fanfic rewrite of parts of this one).

July 16, 2023Report this review