Doctor Who: Dead London
2008 • 1h


Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

The second season of the standalone 8th Doctor adventures launches with a somewhat odd story about a London fractured between multiple time zones. The story is, to my mind, rather less interesting than the premise, but it's quite a fun ride nonetheless.

There's only so much you can fit into a 60-minute story, but Mills certainly has a good crack at it, managing to squeeze in a pretty good look at four different time zones (there are clearly more) along the way. This actually blends together pretty well, and both the villain, and the ultimate explanation of what's going on are interesting. Similarly, both the Doctor and Lucie are on form, so there isn't much to criticise there, either.

The ending, unfortunately, is all a bit pat, being resolved with little more than a wave of the sonic screwdriver... to the extent that it's resolved at all, which is arguable. It's this ending that lets it down, but it's far from devastating, and the story is entertaining enough that I'll give it 3.5, rounded up to 4.

July 13, 2015