Doctor Who: Kingdom of Silver


Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

A refreshing change for the 7th Doctor line, which has become rather gloomy of late. Here, we have a rather more straightforward story that combines elements of steampunk with Bond-style action (there's even a hidden base inside a volcano) and, of course, cybermen.

The story is set, from a historical perspective, somewhere between the 8th Doc audio Sword of Orion and the Cyberman mini-series, but works perfectly well on its own - it honestly doesn't matter which order you listen to them in. It is, perhaps, not a great story, riffing off Tomb of the Cybermen more than a little, but it's rather more entertaining than one might expect, and likely benefits from having only three parts.

Unfortunately, and in a reversal of the usual pattern, the single episode addendum at the end is rather less good than the main feature. Apart from including a rather irritating guest character, its primary purpose seems to be to turn the upbeat ending of the main story to ashes.

It's almost enough to drag the final rating down to three stars, but I'm feeling generous.

September 21, 2015