Doctor Who: Serpent in the Silver Mask

Doctor Who: Serpent in the Silver Mask



Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

This is a rather bonkers murder mystery that sees the Doctor and companions visit a luxury space station as a masked man begins bumping off the relatives of a deceased billionaire. It's full of the tropes of such stories, with each death being by inventively different means, a slew of red herrings, and a cast of mostly ghastly suspects with obvious motives. It doesn't take itself too seriously, and if depth is what you're looking for, you won't find it here, but that's not the point.

The Doctor is away from the action for a large portion of the story, while he tries to put together the clues his companions have found to solve the mystery. This leaves Nyssa and Tegan with more to do, with the former in particular, putting her skills to use determining how some of the killings were carried out. Adric is rather less well-used, although he does manage to do some sneaking about through ventilation ducts... in any event, this was the last release to feature him (as of January 2021) and I can't say I'm going to miss him. Even in the audios, where he's better written than he was on TV, he still comes across as a spare wheel in a TARDIS that's a bit too crowded - as Ryan often was in NuWho, to take a more recent example.

But that doesn't really detract here, where the entertainment comes from some good lines of dialogue and a suitably crazy plot. There are comedic elements, and enough science fiction that this is definitely Doctor Who not Agatha Christie, even if there are nods to the latter. It's a good bit of fun, and it's nice to see Nyssa and Tegan playing key parts in the investigation.

January 2, 2021