Cover 2

Doctor Who

2010 • 343 pages


Average rating2

Jamie RevellSupporter

A rather disappointing book, on the whole. Moorcock seems to be trying to channel Douglas Adams by way of PG Wodehouse, but, for all his talents in other areas, he isn't really either of these people. Much of the book just comes across as confusing, with extravagant concepts piled on top of one another.

The plot isn't bad, if you can disentangle it, and there some nice ideas here and there. There's also plenty of reference to Law and Chaos, and other Moorcock themes, which is fair enough, but, in this case, manage to feel shoe-horned in, rather than being a logical part of the Whoniverse.

But the real problem is that the Doctor and Amy just don't feel like their character. I suspect this was written before much (any?) 11th Doctor episodes had aired, leaving Moorcock nothing to base his characterisation. Certainly, it all seems very bland, and one just can't imagine either of them as being who they're supposed to be.

Ambitious in its scope and ideas, perhaps. But ultimately a flop.

June 13, 2013