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Doctor Who

Doctor Who: The Contingency Club



Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

The TARDIS crew arrives in a gentlemen's club in Victorian London and are surprised to discover that nobody seems to realise that Nyssa and Tegan really shouldn't be on the premises. That's just the beginning of the strangeness as the team falls foul of the owners of the club, who are clearly up to something they shouldn't be.

It's a fun story, bringing in a number of themes relevant to both the Victorian era and to the season of the TV show it ostensibly fits within. Nyssa and Tegan are on fine form, although Adric is left with rather less to do. He's also rather closer to his TV persona, perhaps not quite as irritating or sulky, but still showing some of his supercilious smugness, especially in an argument with Tegan in an early section.

The motivations of the villain, once they become apparent, are unusual (but not unique) for the series, but do seem to fit well with the theme and setting of the story. Part of the ultimate resolution is also obvious from fairly early on, although there's a fair bit of fun along the way to it. It's not one of the strongest stories in the series, but there's plenty going on, a cast of well-acted characters and good use of the leads.

March 28, 2020