Doctor Who: The Creeping Death

Doctor Who: The Creeping Death



Average rating4.5

Jamie RevellSupporter

The strongest of the episodes in this particular triad of releases is this last one, which sees the Doctor and Donna visit London during the Great Smog of 1952. In addition to the poor air quality (which took thousands of lives even in the real world) there is, of course, something nasty out in the fog that's adding to the death toll. The two regulars join a number of locals caught up in the events in what's partly a base-under-siege story with a Kensington bus depot serving as the base, and the fog adding to the claustrophobia even once they leave it.

Donna is on strong form here, and plays a key role in coming up with the solution as the Doctor bounces ideas off her. But there's also a good turn from the guest stars, with a love triangle as a subplot and a bit of backstory for a WWI veteran. There's plenty of craziness in among the peril and the increasing death count, all of which feels very much like the era of the show it's trying to emulate. Indeed, there are a number of direct references to stories in the TV season proper which should keep fans of Ten entertained.

A solid story that keeps zipping along, with fun characterisation, banter between the Doctor and Donna and plenty of nods to the RTD era. It's the sort of thing you could easily imagine having been made for TV at the time.

February 21, 2022