Doctor Who: The Whispering Forest

Doctor Who: The Whispering Forest



Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

While this follows on more or less directly from Cobwebs, and ends on a cliffhanger that leads into Cradle of the Snake, the three stories don't really form a trilogy, with the connections being largely incidental. Here, the Doctor, once again with a full TARDIS complement of three companions, arrives on a lost colony world where the inhabitants have become obsessed with disease, and the ghosts of the departed whisper in the forest.

It's quite atmospheric, and has obvious parallels to the TV story The Face of Evil. Considering the larger than usual core cast, all the main characters do get something to do, even if their early separation from one another is a bit arbitrary. There's quite a good core mystery to what's going on on the colony world, and while some parts of that seem a bit tacked on, there are a few twists and turns along the way.

On the downside, the similarity to The Face of Evil is perhaps rather too strong, but it very much feels like a story of its era, evoking that mid-80s feel, and doing a good job with the portrayal of the various companions. I enjoyed it, but those who are less keen on that era of the show's history will likely feel differently.

July 11, 2016