Average rating4
It's a year after Dragon Deception and life in the Northeast territory is anything but quiet. Unless of course pancakes are about to be served, then silence can be deafening (laugh). Mell Eight needs to serve pancakes at my house when I get up to get my cats to be quiet.
This is a quieter mystery as there is plenty of in-house drama with Dane's mother's visit. There are also flashes into the past, but this could be because of something else in the house. (No spoilers here - laugh).
The kits are definitely involved in some of the fun and action. There are some funny moments between the kits and their new “grandmother”. Eight also introduces some of the other territory leaders who are to say the least interesting.
I am curious to see if William and Nickel's relationship goes anywhere. (Things that make you go “hmmmm...”.) There was no mention of Goldie in this story, but plenty of mentions of Lumie going to the village. Mercury is still partnered with Valerie - yay!
As I said earlier, this is a quieter mystery. The story focuses on the family and their period of growth. Eight has left so many interesting things open that I cannot wait to see what happens next.
I received an ARC of this book and I am writing a review without prejudice and voluntarily.