Dragons of Autumn Twilight
1984 • 447 pages


Average rating3.7

Tabitha TomalaEarly Adopter

This review is also featured on Behind the Pages: Dragons of Autumn Twilight

Dragonlance holds a special place in my heart. Dragons of Autumn Twilight introduced me to the world of high fantasy, and I was hooked from then on with the fantasy genre. I finally decided it was time to reread this series and give each book a proper review.

Years ago, the companions went their separate ways, vowing to return to their home of Solace with stories of their adventures. But the Solace they return to is not the one they left. A war brews on the horizon and Hederick the Theocrat has taken over the town. As the companions gather at the Inn of the Last Home, they will find the town filled with tension and dread. But they will also find a chance encounter with a woman from the plains, that will forever change their paths in life. And they just may change the fate of Krynn as well.

There is such a wide cast of characters in this novel, and each of them helps create the range of emotions readers will feel as they embark on their quest. Flint and Tas will keep readers laughing as they banter back and forth. Raistlin will cast a serious and foreboding mood, making readers question motives and intent. Sturm will fill readers with the stern and honorable thoughts of the Solamnic Knight order, while Tanis is conflicted and trying to discover who he is. And the list goes on. But despite having such a wide cast of characters, it's easy to stay on track and the authors do a wonderful job balancing their time on the page.

When I first read Dragons of Autumn Twilight, I was amazed at the world-building. Mind you this was way before I even knew what world-building was! (Think late 90's early 2000's). But I became enamored with the lore of Krynn. Margaret Weis and Tracey Hickman weave into the story so many different aspects of the world such as heroes from the ancient past, tales of Gods and Goddesses, as well as multiple races and cultures. There is so much to the Dragonlance world and Dragons of Autumn Twilight paved the way for so many stories based in this beautiful world.

I highly encourage fans of the high fantasy genre to dive into Dragons of Autumn Twilight. While you won't find long drawn out battles, or heavy political influences like some of the more modern-day high fantasy, it is such a fun read! And if you want to know anything about the world or certain characters, there is a wealth of information in other series/books in the Dragonlance world.

July 19, 2020