

2017 • 280 pages


Average rating3.8


Dreadnought is about a closeted trans teenager gaining superpowers and transitioning in one life-changing, sudden moment. By allowing Danny's body to match her sense of self as that same body gains superhuman strength and the ability to fly, Daniels throws power dynamics off-kilter in a moving, fascinating way.As we all know, many (real and fictional) coming out stories are prefaced with apprehension about how family and friends will react. Especially when you're dependent on parents for food, clothing, and shelter, coming out can be dangerous for closeted youth. By contrast, Danny gets to come out right after gaining the ability to bend metal with her bare hands as easily as origami paper. She can run incredible distances at incredible speeds without fatigue. She can fly. Needles and bullets bounce off her skin. Anyone who might wish her harm will have a hard time making good on their threats. She is not at anyone's mercy; if anything, they're at hers.But then the other shoe drops. Just because someone can't beat you up, doesn't mean they can't hurt you. No matter how fast you can run, no one can outrun the emotional toll of abuse and trauma. No one can outrun loved ones who react to you being openly yourself with selfishness, aggression, and cruelty—not even a superhero. And so Dreadnought is a story that upends power dynamics while emphasizing their pervasiveness. It's a story about deciding to believe in yourself when the people who should always have your back turn their backs on you. It's a story about how people can make your life more about them than you, and victimize themselves while attacking you. It's a story about a teenage girl who doubts herself but is more capable than she realizes, aka, a story about a teenage girl. It is fast-paced, heart-wrenching, but ultimately hopeful and even fun. And for obvious reasons, it's an especially refreshing time to read a trans #ownvoices fantasy book written for young people. If you like [b:Fierce Femmes 32279708 Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars Kai Cheng Thom https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1480517872l/32279708.SY75.jpg 52903547], [b:The Refrigerator Monologues 32714267 The Refrigerator Monologues Catherynne M. Valente https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1477836652l/32714267.SY75.jpg 53293963], [b:I Wish You All the Best 41473872 I Wish You All the Best Mason Deaver https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1538483349l/41473872.SY75.jpg 61277384], or Netflix's I Am Not Okay With This, you might like Dreadnought.

October 8, 2020