Drunk in Love
2014 • 124 pages


Average rating3


3.5 This is the continuation of Ryan & Zach's story. The story picks up seven months after [b:More Than Friends 16240204 More Than Friends (More Than Friends #1) Aria Grace https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1471915735s/16240204.jpg 22245404] left off and boy Ryan has taken to life as a gay man like a fish to water. Let's just say he's no stranger to gay porn sites and not necessarily the vanilla ones. No judgement. He's totally into Zach and has jumped with both feet into the relationship which is on the fast lane to HEA.The guys go on a long weekend trip to Portland where Zach has some business meetings. While there they go to dinner at Steve's house. Steve happens to be Zach's ex and lets just say that things don't go well. At all. A separation ensues and I don't know about Zach but for Ryan it's a watershed moment where he gets to seriously embrace himself as a gay man, come out to his parents, and think about what it is and means to be in love with Zach. There's a bit of drama and the resolution is again somewhat rushed. I would've liked another chapter or at least an epilogue but I still trusted the HEA and wouldn't be averse to visiting with these two again.***The narration by [a:Douglas Dale 9878197 Douglas Dale https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png] is very good.***

October 15, 2016