Dust of Snow

Dust of Snow

2014 • 159 pages

Definitely a strange case of not the book I was expecting - in a good way. I thought Greg would be...kind of surly and brooding, but I loved the idea of secret gifts enough that I went for it anyway. Well, he isn't. Greg is shy and insecure and recovering from an emotionally abusive relationship. (That he's unwilling to see as abusive because he ‘was never hit'.) His love interest...should I not say who it is? I mean, it's kind of plot point, who's leaving him the gifts, and I've seen other reviews that say you shouldn't get too attached to who Greg ends up with too early on because it wasn't who they expected...But I guessed from his first interaction with his love interest that's who it was going to be and I was right. Let's just say that his love interest has problems of his own and isn't perfect, but is also a total sweetheart. (And the families...ESPECIALLY Greg's mom - they are all just so awesome.)

April 25, 2018