D'Vaughn and Kris Plan a Wedding

D'Vaughn and Kris Plan a Wedding

2022 • 336 pages • 8h 47m


Average rating3.7



Look, I had a terrible week, and today I saw a friend saying they were picking this up, and it was the first day of PRIDE MONTH and I was like, BLACK AND QUEER LOVE AND JOY? HELL YES.

And oh my god, I may not be cohesive about this but, this was everything I've been searching in romance books for a while.

Characters are fully developed and delightful to read, the story feels like something you could live, or hear from someone close, it feels fleshed out and palpable.
The prose is well-written and feels real, and has some beautiful moments. Chencia really knows how to balance playfulness and feelings and serious discussions about gender and gender roles, patriarchal society, homophobia, and race.
The plot makes sense and all the questions that happen during the book are honest questions and discussions.
There's no conflict that doesn't lead to dialogue, and everything is faced with maturity and copious amounts of love from everyone involved.
The banter is IMPECCABLE and the smut is great, I don't even care about smut usually because it's usually bad, here it isn't.

I swear to you the only bad thing about this book is that it ENDS.

June 1, 2023