Eat to Live: The Revolutionary Formula for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss

Eat to Live

The Revolutionary Formula for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss

2003 • 292 pages


Average rating3.4


It's hard to actually place this book in terms of overall quality. The author is certainly on the right track and largely eschews dogma though the scent of the dogmatic is in the air. (The smell of wet dogma?) Moreover, my extensive reading with admittedly popular nutrition convinces me that he's operating from a limited perspective. This is an earlier book and if memory serves Fuhrman eventually begins strongly advocating for intermittent fasting, so I think his thinking becomes broader and to my mind better aligned with truth, which for nutritional science, is a very hard nut to crack indeed. Our bodies are a miracle of infinite complexities and any declaration of how they behave needs to be tempered with a healthy portion of humility. Lastly, the facts have changed somewhat since the writing of this book. (Which is to say that either the situation has changed or our understanding has changed — facts, of course, don't actually themselves change.) Specifically the prevalence of trans fats in the food supply has significantly diminished due to federal regulation. Mark one small win in a sea of losses for the American eater.

January 3, 2024