Eating While Black: Food Shaming and Race in America

Eating While Black: Food Shaming and Race in America

2022 • 272 pages


Average rating4


I think most people wouldn't think about the links between food and racism, but it is most definitely a thing.
In EATING WHILE BLACK we get an examination of the different aspects of the role white supremacy has played in the practice and culture of eating.

All our lives the media, nutrition science, economics, and public policy have helped shape opinions among both Black and non-Black Americans about what is healthful and right to eat, and many of those opinions are influenced by racism. For instance, a savory french dish may be deemed eloquent and high class, while a savory soul food dish served will be viewed as unhealthy, indulgent and unsophisticated.

This book challenges us to examine the lens in which we view food, how we often shame people for their food choices, and to dive deeper into why we have those feelings.

***Thank you to Tantor Audio for providing me with the Audiobook for free via NetGalley for an unbiased review.

September 28, 2022Report this review