Average rating4
It shows that this is Sanderson's first book. Not necessarily a bad thing, and I think this book would have been a 4.5 if I didn't know it was Sanderson. But the plot, the pace and the writing is not what you would expect having read his other works.
It is great, catching and exciting. You fall in love with the characters, it really is his strong suit. But the pacing and the elements that bring the story forwards feels a bit forced, and possibly at times a bit juvenile.
That said, I love the setting of the book, and especially that the main characters are not teenagers. They feel a lot more mature in the way they think and talk, which I think is a conscious choice by Sanderson. While I enjoy a good coming of age story, I have read quite a few of them by now. It was refreshing to have an adult point of view from the beginning.
I really hope Elantris will have a sequel, as I feel we've barely scratched the surface of what this world has to offer.