Elf Defence
2020 • 230 pages


Average rating3


DNF @ 35%Looks like I'm the odd one out here but I just couldn't get into this. Benji is insufferable and the “romance” here was non-existent. Benji and Calarian's relationship as secondary characters worked in [b:Red Heir 54236581 Red Heir (Adventures in Aguillon #1) Lisa Henry https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1592949695l/54236581.SY75.jpg 84633640] because it was just shallow lust with funny quips, but being in their POV made their shallowness even more apparent and the humour fell very flat. Lars was also such a cliche. I'd read a few pages and just completely lose interest so into the DNF pile it goes.

November 27, 2020