Everything and More

Everything and More

2003 • 352 pages


Average rating2.5


Frankly, I'm surprised I finished this book. I sort of saw it as part of my current project to work my way up to reading [b:Infinite Jest|6759|Infinite Jest|David Foster Wallace|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1165604485s/6759.jpg|3271542]. (Which is currently sitting on my dining room table. I'm afraid to shelve it lest the lack of a visual reminder will make me forget that I have it. It is also my hope that visitors will be impressed by the sight of the thing.)

Anyway, I figured I would read a bit of Everything and More, see what it's like, and skim through the rest when the math got too hairy. Now, I'm not claiming that I understood all of the math and that it didn't get hairy, or that I never skimmed through any of it at all, but I did follow the general gist for most of the way, or at least enough that I never felt like slamming the book closed and hurling it across the room.

This I credit to DFW's writing style. I don't think I've ever read anything where the text was so aware of its being read. There are constantly little asides and apologies (many in Wallace's trademark footnotes) about how difficult a particular section is, how you might want to re-read this or that paragraph, how it's all going to be OK in the end. These constant conversational reassurances do a lot to encourage the reader (me, at least) to keep going, despite the difficult math.

And there is a suspense to it all too. Cantor is mentioned near the beginning and is set up to be the Hero of the Story, the one whose theories are the ultimate culmination of everything I'm reading, and I genuinely felt the urge to know what Cantor did, like wanting to find out who the killer is in a mystery novel. Wallace does a good job of reminding us how each theory through history will be relevant to Cantor's transfinite numbers, while making each theory interesting to learn about on its own. And while the actual proofs and formulae are explained well, I found the most enjoyment in the connective tissue about the like societal and cultural and historical contexts around each discovery, e.g. the geometric rigidity of the Greeks, the need to develop and accept infinitesimals in physics and science during the time of Newton and Leibniz, &c. I actually wish he had focussed on those contexts more, and I think he probably could have written a thousand-page book (it amazes me how much research must have gone into this as is). I would probably have still read it all.

August 20, 2012Report this review