Average rating3.6
★ ★ 1/2 (rounded up)
This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader as part of a quick takes post to catch up–emphasizing pithiness, not thoroughness.
Manson's warmed-over Stoicism didn't work nearly as well for me as it did in his first book. The writing was almost as good—but not as clever, I just think it's not as well written. The topics interested me, but I found myself questioning his basic premises in almost every instance.
Ultimately, his hope is founded on a total lack of foundation—he finds it freeing, I find it unstable and doomed to failure. It's hard getting my point across short of a 20-30 page paper examining the book, and I just don't care enough to undertake it.
I actually enjoyed a lot of it, but I also found myself annoyed and/or mildly angry with this one for significant portions of the time.