Cover 7

Exploring Creation with Astronomy

Exploring Creation with Astronomy



Average rating5


Originally posted on Creative Madness Mama.Ever since the very beginning of my homeschooling journey, including the years before my first child was born I knew that I would be pursuing a teacher/book relationship with the Apologia Exploring Creation series from Apologia Educational Ministries ~ ( As my oldest daughter got closer to the age where I felt she would really comprehend the texts I found myself excited and started collecting the entire series. Last year, we started studying Astronomy with the first edition book from Apologia. My daughter was working at her own pace through the junior notebooking journal and her little sister was always begging to color pages too. When the review slot for Apologia came around I jumped and begged and pleaded to be included in this review, and by the blessing of the crew and Apologia we were sent Exploring Creation with Astronomy, 2nd Edition in all it's glory!

My review can be seen in it's verbose fullness on the Creative Madness Mama blog.
This review was originally posted on Creative Madness Mama.

September 8, 2016