Eyes Only for Me
2015 • 200 pages

3 ½ starsA nice adult romance that doesn't resort to misunderstandings or outside pressures for conflict, but rather on the very real baggage that forty-year-olds who have led full lives carry. One is gay and has always been and the other has been leading a heterosexual life but is willing and open to try something new in his life when the opportunity arises, but not because he has secretly been pining for a man but rather because he recognizes a good thing when it comes his way.I liked that Ronnie is a well rounded human and by that I mean that he's a good friend, good son, good at his career but also a loud mouth, brusque and apparently suffers from some form of OCD (which I kind of hoped the author had gone a little more into) and yet he is open and willing to go into a relationship with Clay at the age of 40 because he's smart enough to recognize what's good for him. I love him.Clay is a good guy who sometimes over thinks things but that's ok because he's willing to be there for his friends and those he loves but he's not a doormat and though he's willing to go into a relationship with a guy who's not “gay” and be patient he won't be a secret in the closet and good for him!I generally enjoyed this but the audio by [a:Tristan James 15551379 Tristan James https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png] was not my favorite. I didn't hate it. I just didn't love it and maybe that brought down the rating a bit but also some of the dialogue, especially Clay, seemed a little didactic and more in the vein of how people write but not talk: expository rather than a regular conversation. Maybe if I read this on my own it would have been a solid 4 star read. Recommended as a good example of a later in life love story among normal adults. Plus just hearing how much these guys go to the gym got me feeling guilty about skipping yoga. LOL

February 6, 2016