Falling in Deeper
2016 • 338 pages

[bc:Falling in Deeper 27246125 Falling in Deeper (Wicked Lovers, #11) Shayla Black https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1454745313s/27246125.jpg 47294677]A girl hiding in a sex dungeon and an ex-con who develops a sudden taste for domination find themselves on the run from their inner-selves and the bad guys trying to kill them.Lily aka Sweet Pea had been hiding for awhile in a sex dungeon where no one bothered her when she met a man for a brief meeting her for the first time in her life made her forget her past and gave her a taste of what real passion was only to run scared from it and him. Lily had no idea what she had unleashed with her refusal to see Stone again, but his determination and desire overcomes great barriers until they are finally face to face again just in time for him to save her life. Now the two of them are on the run where Lily has no choice but to learn to trust again and Shayla Black makes Stone and the reader work for it. There is humor and sadness with the story telling, but I do not think anything that is too heavy and it balances out the deep desires between Stone and Lily. There is some kinkiness in the book, but not to the extreme as to make someone uncomfortable. The story has a little bit of everything: a strong woman, a strong man, humor, sadness, things that blowup, a twist or two, sex, and of course love.#Rratedsex #WickedLovers #romance #ShaylaBlack #FallingInDeeper #3Stars #PhoebesRainbowWorld #FlippingRainbows

January 31, 2019