Cover 8

Fast Connection

Fast Connection


Average rating4.5


I am prostate at the temple of Second Books in a Series and Redeemed Antagonists from Prior Books.In many ways this is a very American, very New York book. Dominic Costigan, previously seen in [b:Strong Signal 28561501 Strong Signal (Cyberlove, #1) Megan Erickson 48722063] is a particular kind of New Yorker: a half Irish half Italian Staten Island dudebro and the the authors [a:Megan Erickson 6879435 Megan Erickson] and [a:Santino Hassell 4942228 Santino Hassell] perfectly capture that. Dominic isn't a brain or ridiculously ambitious, he's just a guy who has recently discovered his bisexuality and is eager to explore it but at the same time he's weighed down by limited prospects upon his discharge from the army a scenario which sadly is very true for many returning veterans. As an added bonus of anxiety his family life which was never the best is going through some trying times. Can you blame a guy for trying to find distraction on Grindr? Luckily for our Dominic his first hook up is with Luke and that's all she wrote.These two are pretty much nuclear from the get go when it comes to sexual compatibility. Its the rest of their lives which takes a bit of work and bending.I really loved Dominic. He's funny and and bare and emotionally naked even when he's not sure what it will lead to. He's brave for his sister Adrianna even when he can't be for himself. I totally understood his absolute NO on becoming a cop and not just because he didn't want to carry anymore but probably because he grew up in SI and that's like half the population. He just wants something else and why not? On the other side we have Luke, who is referred to as a Daddy, but I think it's more of playful moniker from Dominic. He is about 14? years older and also a full fledged adult. Luke may come off as somewhat cold at times and that's fair, some people are, but he also has reasons. Among them he is fiercely protective of his family and you can't fault him for that. However his attraction and connection to Dominic is immediate and strong. Following in the theme of this series the characters really start to know each other online, in this case via Grindr. Dominic is a “communicator” as Luke says and Luke finds it easier to talk when not face to face. I love how Luke can tell what mood Dominic is by his use of humor or punctuation, that slowly but surely he starts to bend every rule for the “annoying” hunk who's always sleepy and hungry after sex. But most of all I love the evolution of Dominic, his self awareness, how he acknowledges that he's no longer is Nicky C., the kid who signed up for the Army because he had no other prospects or aspirations, that he questions how he's behaved towards his past female sexual partners which leads to calls of atonement, *glee* we get a bit of Stephanie from the Queens Squad how he jumps with a full heart into his new found sexuality or his burgeoning relationship with Luke.Most of all I loved Luke and Dominic as a couple. They complemented each other in every aspect which is the best thing you can hope for in a relationship. Bonus points for Luke's family Micah and Chelle but also Nadia. I love it when the ex wives are not villains. Another extra is how effortlessly this book incorporates the world and characters from the previous book and lays the groundwork for the next. But overall I just freakin' loved Dominic and Luke is the perfect partner for what he needs: structure, confidence and all the good sex he wants. I was not completely on board for Duffy's sudden redemption. He had been a back of dicks for way long but forgiveness and all that so I gave him a pass. Once again the audio was done by the [a:Eric London 15436852 Eric London] Dominic's POV (perfect) but [a:Guy Locke 14318696 Guy Locke] does Luke's POV and he's better than in the previous book but still odd narration. Stilted? He even pronounces Micah's name Me-cah instead of My-cah, which to me is the correct way and it's different from Eric London. Weird. They should really coordinate.

May 25, 2017