I can't even. This was adorable!!! I read it in one sitting!!
While the plot itself doesn't have anything to do with ffxiv and you could easily read it without knowing the game/worrying too much about spoilers (aside from a few character developments), it's a pleasure to read if you know ffxiv well and love its NPCs. There are plenty of nods to ffxiv storyline and memorable quotes, and many jokes that made me laugh aloud!
For those who are curious about who shows up: we get to see Alphinaud, Alisaie, G'raha, Estinien, and Krile team up against Zenos, Asahi, and Yotsuyu regularly in a series of classic high school manga scenarios. Y'shtola, Urianger, Thancred, Emet-Selch, and Tataru feature often as teachers. There's also fun sidelines with Ryne and Gaia, Sadu and Magnai, Aymeric, Haurchefant, and Ysayle, Lyse, Edda, moogles, and namazu . . . And other side characters too! And there are some lovely little details (I personally love Urianger as a tarot reader! and Aymeric as class president!).
Basically, if you're the type to buy ffxiv merch or enjoy fanart or crush on NPCs (ahem) or just enjoy alternate universe storylines, you'll probably enjoy this book as much as I did. And I would absolutely love a sequel!