Average rating3.8
Executive Summary: I thought this was a relatively light and quick read. I enjoyed it well enough, but wasn't blown away by it.Audiobook: Joe Hempel does a fine job as a narrator. Nothing special, but since I'm an audible subscriber I was able to listen to this one for free, so you can't beat that price.Full ReviewThis book wasn't on my radar, but it was chosen by Sword & Laser for their October pick. The premise sounded interesting enough and getting a free copy made it easy to give it a try. I ended up listening to this in two parts because I hadn't quite finished it before [b:Battle Ground 23106013 Battle Ground (The Dresden Files, #17) Jim Butcher https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1587778549l/23106013.SY75.jpg 42654036] came out, so I put it on hold for a few days. That shows that I wasn't partitarily off put by walking away from it.This year I've been reading a lot less and favoring lighter reads, and this one fits that bill. I thought the main character was OK, but not great. I found some of the supporting characters to be less interesting/enjoyable however.The world building is probably the best/most interesting part to me. Things felt lived in, without getting into a ton of detail or exposition. The plot felt somewhat standard. Fergus is a bit of an anti-hero who takes a job that winds up with him getting involved in larger events than anticipated. Overall this was a decent read, but I wasn't blown away. I likely won't continue with the series, although if future books are included with my audible subscription I might reconsider.