Average rating3.8
I can really relate to Audrey as I have an anxiety disorder.. a severe social anxiety disorder called selective mutism. It means I can't talk to basically anyone, ive spoken to only 6 people in my 20 years of life, other than that, never spoken outside my house. After I finished school, I stayed home and grew a big fear of the outside world and the sun (dad passed away from skin cancer and ive been cautious ever since)
You now how Audrey wears her sunglasses everywhere? Well I do the same thing but with winter clothes, I wear winter clothes in every season. Australia heat is unbelievable and its currently winter but still hot enough to spend the day at the beach, so I do suffer for wearing winter clothes but I can't stop it. Its my comfort. It has nothing to do with covering my body, I would love to show off my body bc I work hard on keeping myself fit but winter clothes are my comfort.
So I really relate to her.
Other than that, the whole story plays out like a Disney show. Other than the anxiety parts, it was so unrealistic. It felt like a middle grade book.
I liked the story but didn't at the same time.