2001 • 332 pages


Average rating4.1


Executive Summary: I didn't enjoy this book as much as [b:Steelheart 17182126 Steelheart (Reckoners, #1) Brandon Sanderson 21366540]. I thought the last third was very good, but the first half or so was slow. 3.5 stars rounded down for the slow start.Full ReviewI'm going to start off by saying I hate David and his metaphors. Though actually they are similes. I honestly don't care. I hate them. They were an eye roller in the first book, and downright obnoxious here. I really hope he reduces how often David uses them in the next book. I'm not a big fan of Young Adult. I think if I was a young adult I wouldn't really care for it either. When I was in high school I read adult fiction. I didn't feel like I needed something with a younger protagonist to cater to me. And I certainly didn't want to have things toned down for me either.I enjoyed Steelheart though. It's far from his best work, but I found it to be a fun story. I don't think this book was nearly as good. Mr. Sanderson cranks out books like no other author in Fantasy, and I think that's starting to show a bit here. Or maybe I just don't love everything he writes anymore.I like the change of scenery here. New York is a big contrast to Chicago. I also like the addition of new characters, and new Epics to confront.The main draw, as usual for a Sanderson novel, is the magic system. Or in this case, whatever it is that caused humans to turn into epics. We get some good development into the mystery of the Calamity and the nature of epics and their weaknesses. Mostly in the last third of the book.I found David annoying for most of the book. And whiny and mopey. You know, a teenager. Or at least the stereotypical teenager.I'm eager to read the next book and have the rest of my questions answered, but I hope that it's the final book. I'd much rather he focus on his Cosmere books instead. Give me Stormlight Archive and Mistborn over this any day.

February 1, 2015