Flat Earth: The History of an Infamous Idea

Flat Earth: The History of an Infamous Idea

2007 • 436 pages

I was really looking forward to reading this book. However, after the first 10 pages I knew I wouldn't be able to finish it. There are many inaccuracies in the author's attempt to place things into historical context. Bizarrely, for a history book, ideas and people are described using very emotional, petty language, which was off-putting and made it very difficult to take her seriously. It was also a red flag for me that early on I needed to fact check some things that I had doubts on (On a side note: I feel like a “highly entertaining and often hilarious” history book about the earth being flat shouldn't require multiple fact checking searches 10 pages in). Since I wasn't sure I would be able to stomach the rest of the book, I spent some time looking through various sections to determine if it would get better. In the end I was left feeling that this book wasn't for me, though it probably would have been had the book been edited well.

February 23, 2015