Average rating3.8
Contains spoilers
TW: Grooming, toxic relationship, infidelity, minor/adult relationship, emotional abuse (NOT between the Main Characters)
I wish I had known the above before going into this book because it completely shocked me when it was revealed. It affected me so much that I actually took a break from the book to process my thoughts. None of the reviews I read warned me, and I wish they had. As a result, I want to write a spoiler-ridden review for those who need that warning. Please do NOT read this review if you want to avoid spoilers.
I would say that the book has a strong start, average middle, and fast-paced ending full of drama with a hallmark-worthy ending. The story stars Rhett Eaton, a professional bull rider, and his agent's daughter, Summer Hamilton. It's written in first-person, present-tense, and it switches between Rhett's and Summer's POV.
Rhett Eaton is known to the world to be a playboy, but in reality, he's a very sensitive man that hates it when people tell him what to do. Summer is perceived to be a no-nonsense, confident person like her father, but in reality, she's a woman who is a serious people pleaser who needs therapy after being groomed by her cardiologist and emotionally abused by her Stepmother and half-sister.
Let me spoil those TWs right now. When Summer was a teenager, she had a serious heart heart condition. She saw a cardiologist (Rob) who saved her life. This doctor groomed her when she was a minor and then had sex with her when she turned 18. That's how Summer defends the relationship. She insists that "nothing illegal happened" between her and Rob until she was legal. She refuses to expose him and ruin his career since she feels she "owes" him for saving her life. It's MESSED UP! Rob then married Summer's sister, but he keeps on calling and texting Summer to emotionally manipulate her and control her from afar (i.e. infidelity). It's sick. This issue is somewhat glossed over until Rhett confronts Rob and breaks his nose (I LOVED THAT SCENE!)
I felt deceived about Summer's character when stumbling upon the above revelations. In the first chapters of the story, she's portrayed as this confident girl-boss who takes no crap from any man. That image shattered when I found out she was groomed and is still being manipulated by her toxic doctor. She seriously needs therapy (she doesn't get it in the book unfortunately). Despite this, I'm glad to see that she ends up with Rhett and severs ties with Rob after all this info comes to light thanks to Rhett.
Trigger warnings finished, let's talk about the main couple. Warning: Rhett thinks about sex A LOT. Seriously, sometimes it was too much. Before they were even a couple, Rhett was fantasizing about Summer's lips around his- AHEM. I understand having perverted thoughts, but that imagination of his was sometimes too wild, or the constant erections he got around her. Not gonna lie, it was off-putting. I also thought he was childish the first half of the book. He's very self-centered, and he doesn't really care about other people's feelings as much as he should. However, he's redeemed in my eyes when he confronts Rob and punches him in the face for disrespecting Summer. I gotta give Rhett credit, he defends the woman he loves, which scored serious points in my book. True, he let slip Summer's secret in front of the family, which wasn't cool, but at the same time, it also released her from Rob's clutches and set her free (something she never realizes in the story). He does have some character development by the end of the story.
There are like three sex scenes in the book, and they're GREAT. Rhett is definitely smooth. It's the best smut I've read in a novel so far.
In terms of their romance, I think it develops... okay. It's kind of clunky midway. I don't like that Rhett calls her Princess all the time (Summer's Dad used to call her that). However, the romance gets it's hallmark ending that was super sweet and heartwarming. Despite Summer's fear for Rhett riding the bull, she chose to go support him and his dream, and in return, he chooses her. That's all I'll say there <3
This was my first cowboy/romance book, and I enjoyed the ride despite being triggered. I'm glad Summer and Rhett got their happy ending. Rhett's family is also wholesome with a southern country charm, and I'm looking forward to reading the next book in the series. I seriously need a heartwarming cowboy love story without the triggers please!