Flowers for Algernon

Flowers for Algernon

19 • 311 pages


Average rating4.3


4,5 stars

Inspiring and uplifting while being depressing at the same time. In Flowers for Algernon, we see a relatively young man with a severe learning disability, named Charlie Gordon, receive a new chance at life after an experimental operation, first successfully performed on a rat named Algernon, meant to increase his intelligence significantly. As Charlie struggles to get to grips with being on the other end of the spectrum once again, we get to see his journey of trying to understand his sexuality, emotions, thoughts and ever-increasing intellect. As Algernon starts deteriorating and acting erratically, Charlie begins to hurry, for he fears the same may happen to him.

I???d recommend this to anyone who is interesting in seeing the world from a mentally disabled person???s perspective, whose perception of the world is radically different than that of a genius.
???Its easy to make frends if you let pepul laff at you.???

March 24, 2020