Forever Odd
2005 • 15 pages


Average rating3.7


Another dip into the world of Odd Thomas and it was just as good as the first. It was more of a thriller than a mystery this time around, but by no means did this take away from it. Dean Koontz really created an admirable and likeable character in Odd, and I surprise myself by how much I love this character!

The setting felt amazing and appropriately creepy. The villain was a perfect contrast to Odd. The moral war that Odd has with his decisions and actions is to well done. Also, there's one chapter close to the end that really wrenched at my heart! Damn you Dean and giving me the feels!

It leaves me wanting to immediately pick up the next book and get right into this world again. Though I'll space them out for now, as there's only so many books and I want to spread it over some time. Bravo Dean! I loved it!

June 24, 2017