Average rating4
I came into this book having watched the Apple TV show, and shockingly, I have to say that the TV show was so much better than the book. So much changed from the TV show to the book, including changing the gender of the MC, a man in the book but a woman in the TV series. Having watched that previously my expectations were set really high and coming in and reading the book and having it be an almost different story, that felt like it was missing so much, made me not enjoy the book at all. It felt underdeveloped and just not fleshed out with flat characters and a boring plot. I only got 50 pages in but at that point the whole motive and plot to the story line was that there was political tension with neighboring planets and they were trying to create an encyclopedia that could decrease the amount of time the empire would spend in a dark period. Overall not very exciting.
At this point I was basically forcing myself to read the book and making very slow progress, and while I really try to never leave a book unfinished, lately I've been going through some major book slumps so I decided to let this one go.