From The Deeps
From The Deeps
Saved or kidnapped? Skye MacKinnon and Laura Greenwood kick off the “Seven Wardens” series with a fantasy mystery. Macey finds herself facing magic, incubus, mermen, ghost prophets, cath siths, and more while trying to find out the answer to that question.
MacKinnon and Greenwood have created an intricate world. I can just imagine a huge wall where they post pictures of where creatures and lands can be found and what dangers are hidden there. They have also created multiple mysteries with plenty of characters to help Macey solve the big and small.
I find this world fascinating. Just as in the real world there are prejudices to work through. Battles to be fought. Climate change to stop. Oh and let's not forget taking the time for “fun” and love.
MacKinnon and Greenwood have created it all. I can't wait to read the next one.
I received a free copy of this book and I am writing a review without prejudice and voluntarily.