Fun-Time Phonics!™ Learning to Read

Fun-Time Phonics!™ Learning to Read

2015 • 320 pages


Average rating4


Originally posted on Creative Madness Mama.

Throughout the last few years as I've learned more and more about the various options of homeschool companies I have often had my eye on products from The Critical Thinking Co. ~ ( and placing many things on my wishlist. Through the TOS Crew I was blessed with an opportunity to check out one of their newest products in the physical book Fun-Time Phonics!  (Gr. PreK-2). We were all very excited and the intent was to refresh with AppleBlossom (age 6) and start the basics with OrangeBlossom (age 4). We spent time in the book about 3-4 times per week. Fun-Time Phonics! is an 8x11” non-consumable full-color 320-page book. It not like any other phonics book that we have been exposed to and was a different experience. I love how I can look down and find the book easily in my bag as even the edges of the pages are a pale blue that make the book stand out very obviously. :) 

Based on research from the National Reading Commission, Fun-Time Phonics! is a program designed to focus on vowel patterns and isolating vowel sounds. While it would be easy to make this multi-sensory by adding in writing, my girls worked with me and this program solely as read aloud and point and so on as necessary. The lessons are broken down into building sections including the following topics:

  • Phonemic Awareness

    • beginning and ending sounds

    • rhyming

    • putting sounds together

    • short vowel sounds

  • Alphabetics (longest section)

    • short vowel letters

    • consonants and co-articulation

  • Beginning to Read

  • Words I Can Read

Fun-Time Phonics!


Fun-Time Phonics!

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February 2, 2016