Gallery • Poets Past and Present

Gallery • Poets Past and Present

1980 • 266 pages

From the back cover,

“Gallery is primarily intended for senior classes in secondary schools It is a selection of the verse most teachers and pupils want when preparing for the 0 and Higher Grade examinations, combined with a selection of other poetry which is much too good to be allowed to drift out of sight.
Poems are arranged chronologically since the compiler believes that one of the best contexts in which to encounter a poem is that of the poet in his time and place.
This also leaves the reader free to discover for himself stylistic similarities or a common area of concern between poets.
The reader is expected to treat this book like a picture gallery.
Not all the contents need to be searched for hidden meaning. Some verse will merely stimulate a passing reflection or give a moment's amusement, other poems may niake the reader pause for careful study. Displayed like this, they can be appreciated in all their variety.”

This was required reading at school, many, many years ago - never sold it and have read it many times.
A great selection of poetry from the 16th to 20th Centuries.
I occasionally read my annotations from younger me's and have mixtures of feelings about my insights from different points in my life, sometimes insightful and also sometimes lacking understanding.

It makes me realise just how much fantastic poetry exists and how powerful language really is.

May 17, 2018