2015 • 556 pages


Average rating5


Some things are impossible to hide.4.5 Stars for this dystopian novel full of intrigues, interesting developments and manipulation.

I received a free ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Will loves with her family in a small village. Life is good, as are her plans for the future.
That is until a Commander from the Core shows up with his inhuman soldiers.
The Commander, Reece, is looking for someone and Will fears that during his search her skill will be discovered.
People with a skill, a special ability, are transported to Core, the complete opposite of her village. People their have technology and like to temper with the genetic code. To enhance abilities of soldiers or to create those inhuman creatures Reece brought with him.

Will's fear of discovery turns into reality, though much more than just her skill is discovered. Something else comes to light as well that will bring much bigger changes with it as well as a lot of possibilities.
The question now is whether or not Willow will manage to obtain them.

Gambit was a fantastic read and I look forward to the second book. The story world was intriguing and offered just enough details to not leave me confused but little enough to not satisfy my curiosity completely.
The pace was good as well. At no point did I have the feeling that the story dragged unecessarily or was cut short.

The tension between our future couple was delicious and I'mmexcited to find out what'll become of them in the sequel.

Plus points for character development which is seriously lacking or over the top in far too many books. Develeopment and change of one's character is difficult, especially if it's supposed to be a change to the better, and Denault shows that. There is no character who can just switch to a different behaviour overnight.
Will struggles with her stubborn streak and her mouthy attitude. While it was fine in her village she can't continue that way in the Core, unless she wants to dig herself an early grave by burning down al bridges to what she wants.

Gambit was right up my alley and sets the bar high for the second volume of the Prodigy chronicles.

September 8, 2015