2016 • 672 pages


Average rating4.4


Finally I have this juicy baby in my hands ♥ It's so good to flip these pages full of good stuff ___
Now I regret I read Illuminae's ebook version. I feel like I need the paperback to re-read it RIGHT NOW BECAUSE THE GRAPHIC DESIGN IS SO GORGEOUS AND NOW I KNOW THE EBOOK WAS A LITTLE SHIAT!!!!

Read 21~23/o4/2o17
Little personal recap: Ok, at the end I obviously bought Illuminae too (can you see how can I be so dumb?) and I jumped right on it as soon as I got it because I wanted to re-read it in order to get on the feels train once again before getting on the highly hyped Gemina. Little recap is over

I seriously have mixed feelings right now. 😵
I don't know, I feel almost disappointed at the moment. I was hyping so much over this book because of all those positive reviews (most of them saying Gemina was way better than Illuminae), so at the end I'm here feeling guilty because I didn't like it as much as I would have wanted 😢
I still liked it, mind you, but during the whole reading process I felt like it was lacking something. I mean, Illuminae had those zombie-likes and a darker and scarier tone in it.. And above all, THOSE PLOT TWISTS OMG they made me feel deceived and gave me chills for days (a lot less during the re-read obvs since I already knew what was going to happen, duh). While in Gemina, well.. Yeah. The only fat plot twist was predictably at the end of the book but it didn't give me the same emotions that those in Illuminae previously did 😪
Anywhoooo, I think it still deserves four stars (with a little extra) BUT I honestly hope Obsidio will be STUNNING and reasonably FLAWLESS because I deserve it, k? 💁

Re-read 16/o3~o7/o4/2o18
Well, I planned to re-read Illuminae and Gemina before Obsidio's releasing date and it was all happiness and excitement until freaking Amazon told me that Obsidio wasn't available (excuse you, I've ordered it almost one year ago. How could that be?! Tell me if it happened to you before, because it can't be.) and has been postponing the shipment for, like, almost a month now. SO. I don't want to make excuses (yeah, right 😂), but as the time passed I've lost interest in reading Gemina because I was feeling depressed and I've wanted to burn the books with my house along with them lmao
Anywhooooooo, beside that, I've read almost half of the book in one sitting today and I have to say that I liked it more than the first time I've read it 💙
So, well, I guess I will change my rating to 5 stars because I feel good. And, who knows? Maybe making some good I will get some good in return (➡️Obsidio will
be shipped in a couple of days⬅️ maybe? I'm delusional, I know. The shipment date is still a mystery and I'm so angry rn sgrunt) 😁

April 23, 2017