George Carlin Reads to You: An Audio Collection Including Grammy Winners 'Braindroppings' and 'Napalm & Silly Putty'

George Carlin Reads to You

An Audio Collection Including Grammy Winners 'Braindroppings' and 'Napalm & Silly Putty'

2004 • 7 pages


Average rating3


This is a collection of three books [b:Brain Droppings 55352 Brain Droppings George Carlin 805035], [b:Napalm & Silly Putty 55354 Napalm & Silly Putty George Carlin 893440] & [b:More Napalm and Silly Putty 55356 More Napalm and Silly Putty George Carlin 15731109] read to you by George Carlin (hence the name).I found myself a bit disappointed. I loved a lot of Mr. Carlin's stand up, and found his books a bit lacking. The first Napalm book was probably the best of the three.I found these books to more humorous or clever than they were laugh out funny, and most of the best laugh out loud moments were stuff I had seen him incorporate into his stand up act over the years. Those jokes still hold up for me though, even though I had heard them before.A lot of what is here is random and often unconnected one-liners, observations about the way language is used, and just plain off the wall thoughts.I don't think I would have enjoyed simply reading these books, but in audio form it's not bad.Audio book: With Mr. Carlin himself reading it, it's almost more like a comedy album than an audio book except for the aforementioned fact that it's often a lot of unconnected one-liners and random thoughts.Really though, no one else could read these books the way Mr. Carlin does, so if you're going to read the books, you should just go for the audio book instead.

February 2, 2014