Germania: A Personal History of Germans Ancient and Modern

Germania: A Personal History of Germans Ancient and Modern

2010 • 466 pages

UPDATE: I picked this book back up in 2021, got about 150 pages into it, then got distracted by other books and sort of forgot that I was reading it. Not a great endorsement for a book. I'm marking it as abandoned and moving it from the pile of stuff on the end table back to its place on the bookshelf; my instinct is to toss it out but I'll keep it for awhile and see if the mood strikes me again.

Gave this a start in June 2018, and then moved it back to my to-read list. While I enjoyed the writing, my knowledge of German history is too weak to follow along. I plan to read a more cut-and-dry history of the nation in order to get the basic facts down, and then come back to this book for the fun stuff.

April 2, 2021