Ghost Story


Average rating4.2


Did a re-read of this to remind myself of all the game changing events of this book before Cold Days. Wow. So devastating – both in plot and character.

Butcher's quipped in the past about how each book is about how much he can beat up Dresden – but honestly, he comes out of this one pretty unscathed – healthier (mentally/psychologically/spiritually and physically) than he's been in awhile. Meanwhile, Murphy, Butters, the Alphas..everyone is torn apart in almost every way possible. And Molly? Ack, that poor, poor, poor girl. Thomas? Almost impossible to get through that part of the book.

Even tho' this was a re-read, the plot kept me on the edge of my seat, I kept boggling at just how far Butcher was willing to go to reshape this series (the subatomic level), and the emotional gut punches were as solid as they were the first time.

I was eagerly waiting for Cold Days, before, now? I'm tempted to camp out at UPS' front door rather than wait for delivery.

November 23, 2012