Average rating4.2
Executive Summary: After [b:Changes 6585201 Changes (The Dresden Files, #12) Jim Butcher https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1304027244s/6585201.jpg 6778696] this book almost had to be a let down. It's still enjoyable but not nearly as much. It does offer you some insights into the supporting cast that we haven't had until this point however.James Marsters Audio book: All is now right with the world. Or at least the Dresdenverse. They are “retiring” the John Glover version and releasing a new version read by James Marsters. I was lucky to get an early review copy.As expected it was waaay better. Anyone who was upset at the change can now get this new version and be content. This 3rd reread of the book was easily my favorite, and I'm sure that's largely thanks to James Marsters.John Glover Audio book: I sort of feel bad. John Glover seems like he could be a decent Narrator. He does a few voices. He's got a reasonable voice for Harry. But he's just not James Marsters. He doesn't put in the same passion. He doesn't yell out when Harry's casting magic. His voices all sound wrong. I wouldn't mind listening to him read another series, but not this one.Full ReviewThis book is pretty much impossible to review without major spoilers from [b:Changes 6585201 Changes (The Dresden Files, #12) Jim Butcher https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1304027244s/6585201.jpg 6778696], so if you're not up to this point of the series my review may not make a whole lot of sense. :)NOTE: All spoilers are for previous books in the series, not THIS one. I hate reviews that spoil the book and normally avoid spoilers of any kind in all of my reviews.So at the end of [b:Changes 6585201 Changes (The Dresden Files, #12) Jim Butcher https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1304027244s/6585201.jpg 6778696] Harry is dead. Or is he? I spent an agonizing year wondering just what the hell was going to happen next in the series.The result was a book that could be both frustrating and fun. I liked to see what everyone does with Harry out of the picture..It's also frustrating because Harry's been accumulating power as the series goes on but with him being dead, all of his powers are gone and we have to sit by with him and watch things go to hell without him being able to do anything.This does offer a chance for everyone to step up their games, and we learn a lot more about Mort whose only been a very minor and rarely used character to this point.The pace of the plot is still pretty fast, and the second half of the book is really good, but I found the first half to be be a bit slow/frustrating.Overall I think this is one of the weakest of the later book, but still much better than a few of the early ones. The main problem is, it really feels more like a transitional book after all the changes of well, [b:Changes 6585201 Changes (The Dresden Files, #12) Jim Butcher https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1304027244s/6585201.jpg 6778696].It's 3.5 for me, rounded up because I love this series.