Average rating3.7
~Full review here on The Bent Bookworm!~Girl of Nightmares is the sequel to the ever-so-popular [b:Anna Dressed in Blood 9378297 Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna, #1) Kendare Blake https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1398637405s/9378297.jpg 14261925], so be warned there may be SPOILERS for the first book! This review is also very short because books like this are hard to review without giving too much away and ruining the fun of the read for everyone.———-- Cas is back, and he's just as moody and kind-of-sort-of angry as in the first book. He's not as hell-bent (no pun intended) on revenge, but now he's kind of mooning over the fact that Anna is gone...or is she? At first he thinks he's going crazy as he starts to see her when he's out ghost-hunting, but then he becomes convinced she is in some kind of trouble (more trouble than a usual trip to the afterlife would entail) as she always appears to be tortured when she appears. Yikes.- Cas's friends are more real in this book. At least, this time I actually remembered them, whereas when I started this one, I only had a vague recollection of there being other people involved somewhere...maybe that's my fault, my memory is not the greatest. 😛 His mom is sweet and adorable and reading the scenes with the two of them kind of made my heart hurt. Like, what is it like to be able to be friends with your parents?- Partway through, the book moves to England and I LOVED IT. It just made it that much more interesting even if they didn't get to explore nearly as much as they should have because obviously they were trying to save Anna.- Anna herself is only in this book in VERY short segments. I was a little bit disappointed by that but there was really no way to bring her into the story that would make sense.- The descriptions succeeded in making me pull my covers up and make sure my doors were locked (not that locked doors would help me if there was a ghost after me...buuuuut you know). I love it when a book succeeds in raising the hairs on the back of my neck! Surely I'm not the only one that literally has that happen...not just a figure of speech here!- The ending was...well, it was closure...and that's about all I can say without spoiling it! My hat is off to Kendare Blake for ENDING THIS DUOLOGY right here. I can imagine it might have been tempting to extend it, with the popularity of Anna Dressed in Blood, but it felt really good to finish not only a book but an entire story.Blog Twitter Bloglovin Instagram Google+