Average rating3.7
God Emperor of Dune could be considered the start of a new triology in the Dune saga. Tho it follows some of the previous characters introduced in prior books, the changes in the way that it approaches themes and structure, as well as in universe, makes this a completly different expirience that some how still resembles the original material.
The book follows Leto, now transform into the image of a worm, and God Emperor of the universe while it converses with Duncan Idaho and new characters about free will and different themes (sometimes connected and most of the time without any real purpose for the plot).
The story will have some tangents where it describe in-universe politics and religion but most of the time it would be throught exposition delivered by Leto that at least expands his character (sometimes). But I think this is the biggest problem with the book, not the quantity of conversations and dialogues it has (previous books managed this almost perfectly) but the way that it treats them. It doesn't follow any real structure for it story and that translate into conversations without any real point in them that also don't evolve the characters.
This makes you feel that the book doesn't progress at most points, which it's a shame, since the parts where it concentrates in the plot are really interesting.
This is where the character of Duncan shines, since the plot advances through him most of the times, and that allows to develop even more than before.
The rest of the characters aren't very memorable (apart for one or two) and the story doesn't focus enough for them to be.
I can't really talk more about of the book, since it doesn't have any consistent plot most of the times and serves more for a way to expand ideas. The times it has it really work but also don't come close to the previous books since those use their time and conversations to develop their themes and give weight to it.
Tho God Emperor of Dune isn't really terrible and it gives you an interesting read for Dune fans, it was really a disapointment for the way the saga was going.
Parts of it saves it (Duncan for example) but not enought for my to outweight the others.
Let's see how it works within the context of the “next triology”. Into Heretits of Dune.