Average rating3.7
Another gold entry into the Dune universe by Frank Herbert. As a friend of mine, Epic Talez once said, everthing Frank Herbert touches is gold
The more I re-read Dune the more I am convinced that Herbert was a philosopher at heart. This book is no different, combining the philisophical discussions of religions, gods, tyranny, and Letos golden path with action, intrigue and our heritage and roots.
This entry is set 3500+yrs after the events in children of Dune, and Arrakis, aka Dune has been terraformed into a a whole new world, with only a small area of desert left on the world. Leto is the God Emperor and a religious cult following has sprung up around him.
The ultimate test of what it is to be human and Letos ongoing struggle with his humanity and his ancestory and the godhood overtaking him. Such a good story.
Originally posted at www.youtube.com.